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  • Is the program affordable?
  • The program has been developed to be low-cost and sustainable using few resources and providing educational handouts in a booklet they can keep.

  • Is the program safe?
  • The program was developed by a sport psychologist and clinical psychologist. It is low-risk and is no more strenuous than light physical activity. Themes covered during the program do not cover any distressing or controversial topics. The program has been found to be of low-risk by Australian and South African ethics review boards.

  • Is the program inclusive?
  • Program materials are translated into participants' first language. The program has no gender, racial, cultural, or religious bias. The program is appropriate for individuals aged 14 years and older. The program is not suitable for individuals with moderate to profound intellectual or physical disability.

  • Is the program evidence-based?
  • The program is evidence-based having published several international journal articles.
